
Digital Humanies tools used for the weekly Parasha (Torah portion of the week).

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Parasha #22: Vayakhel (וַיַּקְהֵ֣ל)

Reading passages

Torah: Ex. 35:1-38:20    (Hebrew: פָּרָשַׁת וַיַּקְהֵ֣ל)
Haftarah: I Kings 7:40-50 (Ashkenazim) or I Kings 7:13-26 (Sephardim)


Parasha Vayakhel details Moses gathering the Israelites to instruct them on the construction of the Tabernacle, emphasizing the importance of observing the Sabbath even during this holy work. The portion highlights the voluntary contributions of materials, skills, and labor from the people, as they enthusiastically donate gold, silver, fabrics, and their craftsmanship to build the sacred space. It also describes the actual construction of key elements of the Tabernacle, including the Ark, the Table, the Menorah, and the Altar, as well as the courtyard that surrounds them.

Verse Query Short description
Ex. 35:21 Ruach as subject The use of רוּחַ as subject in a phrase
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hapax hapax find unique words (hapax legomena)


Additional details about Jewish calendar and holiday information, offering users a resource for tracking Hebrew dates, candle lighting times, and other relevant information in the Jewish calendar. Hebcal entry for parasha Vayakhel.