Nestle 1904 GNT (GBI Nodes)

TextFabric dataset for Greek New Testament based upon Nestle 1904 (GBI Nodes dataset)

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Feature: splong

Feature group Feature type Data type Available for node types
Syntactic node string word

Feature description

Full Part of Speech (POS) description for each word.

Feature values

Part of Speech Full (this feature) Label (feature: sp) Frequency Examples
adjective adj 8452  
adverb adv 6147  
conjunction conj 18227 καὶ δὲ ὅτι
determiner det 19786 τὸν ταῖς
interjection intj 15 ναί
noun noun 28455 Βίβλος Ἰησοῦ
numeral num 476 Ἑπτά πέντε
preposition prep 10914 περὶ εἰς
particle ptcl 773  
pronoun pron 16177  
verb verb 28357  


See also the description in MACULA Greek Treebank for the Nestle 1904 Greek New Testament.pdf on page 4 and 5 (section 2.2. Syntactic Categories at Word Level: Part of Speech Labels).

Source description

Based upon information from the XML attribute Cat for each element node representing a word.

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