
Digital Humanies tools used for the weekly Parasha (Torah portion of the week).

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Parasha #34: Bamidbar (בְּמִדְבַּר)

Reading passages

Torah: Num. 1:1-4:20    (Hebrew: פָּרָשַׁת בְּמִדְבַּר)
Haftarah: Hosea 2:1-22


Parasha Bamidbar details the census of the Israelites taken in the wilderness of Sinai. It describes the organization of the twelve tribes around the Tabernacle and assigns specific duties to the Levites. The portion underscores the importance of order and structure within the community as they prepare for their journey​​.

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Additional details about Jewish calendar and holiday information, offering users a resource for tracking Hebrew dates, candle lighting times, and other relevant information in the Jewish calendar. Hebcal entry for parasha Bamidbar.