Nestle 1904 GNT (Low Fat Trees)

Text-Fabric dataset for Greek New Testament based upon Nestle 1904 (Low Fat tree dataset)

About Text-Fabric
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Feature: wordunacc

Feature group Feature type Data type Available for node types Feature status
Orthographic Node string word

Feature description

Unaccented Greek text (diacritics removed).


See also the following related features:

The following table will show the difference between these features using Mark 1:1 as example:

Use the option fmt='text-unaccented' to print results in unaccented format, Following example will print Mark 1:1 in uaccented format:

Αρχη του ευαγγελιου Ιησου Χριστου Υιου Θεου. 

See this jupyter notebook for usage examples.

Source description

Calculated from XML attribute unicode of tag w (word).

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