Nestle 1904 GNT (Low Fat Trees)

Text-Fabric dataset for Greek New Testament based upon Nestle 1904 (Low Fat tree dataset)

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Feature: wgrolelong

Feature group Feature type Data type Available for node types Feature status
Syntactic Node string wg  

Feature description

Word Group role (full description)

Feature values

Value (this feature) Abreviated (feature wgrole) Frequency
Adverbial adv 16710
Object o 9329
Subject s 6710
Predicate p 1770
Indirect Object io 702
Verbal v 405
Auxiliar aux 360
Second Object o2 171
Verbal Copula vc 10
? ellipsis 2
? err_clause-complex-met-no-conditionsClCl2 1
? tail 1

Source description

Based upon (optional) XML attribute role of tag wg (wordgroup).

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