Nestle 1904 GNT (Low Fat Trees)

Text-Fabric dataset for Greek New Testament based upon Nestle 1904 (Low Fat tree dataset)

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Feature: lex_dom

Feature group Feature type Data type Available for node types Feature status
Lexical Node string word

Feature description

Lexical domain according to Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Greek (SDBG).

Feature values

Value Description Frequency
xxxyyy Lexical Domain value 126757
’’ Empty 11022

Interpreting the data

Feature lex_dom is to some extent equivalent to a numerical representation of feature [ln](/Nestle1904LFT/features/ln.html#start) and can be decoded using the following method. Take for example lex_domain = “089007”. The 6-digit value “089007” first need to be split into two 3-digit parts: “087” and “007”. The second part should be interpreted as a alphabetic (A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, …, Z=26). Taken the two parts together, this will result in 89G, which points to an entry in Louw-Nida. For this example (i.e. 89G) this maps to main section relations and subsection Cause and/or Reason.

It is important to realize that the granularity of feature lex_dom is less than that of feature ln. Consider for example the ἀρχή in John 1:1. According to Louw-Nida Lexicon this can map to either a:beginning (aspect)=>68.1 or b:beginning (time)=>67.65. In Text-Fabric one value is attached to feature lex_dom, which is 067003. Using the above explained method, this breaks down to “067” and “003” where the last part refers to section “C”, which is actualy a range (67.65-67.72) within Louw Nida.


See also related feature ln (Louw-Nida lexical classification).

Source description

Taken from XML attribute domain of tag w (word). The word sense data for this feature was compiled by the United Bible Societies MARBLE project. See Macula-Greek Licence.

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