Nestle 1904 GNT (Low Fat Trees)

Text-Fabric dataset for Greek New Testament based upon Nestle 1904 (Low Fat tree dataset)

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Feature: clausetype

Feature group Feature type Data type Available for node types Feature status
Syntactic Node string wg

Feature description

Clause type information. The content of this feature (when pressent) is included in wordgroup label.

Feature values

Value Description Frequency
` ` Clause (Verbal): expresses a proposition and contains verbal element as constituent 102662
VerbElided Verb Elided Clause: contains no verbal function (implied or carried over) 1009
Verbless Verbless Clause: relational clause without explicit verbal colula 929
Minor Minor Clause: without any predication 830


The following image shows an example of two VerbElided clauses, showing the absence of a verb:

Additional information

Description based upon:

Andi Wu and Randall K. Tan, Cascadia Syntax Graphs of the New Testament: Glossary (Lexham Press, 2009).

Source description

Taken from (optional) XML attribute cltype of tag wg (wordgroup).

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