Nestle 1904 GNT (GBI Nodes)

TextFabric dataset for Greek New Testament based upon Nestle 1904 (GBI Nodes dataset)

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Feature: lex_dom

Feature group Feature type Data type Available for node types
Lexical node string word

Feature description

Lexical domain according to Semantic Dictionary of Biblical Greek (SDBG).

Feature values

lex_dom (this feature) Comment Frequency
xxxyyy Lexical Domain value 126757
’’ Empty 11022

Interpreting the data

Feature lex_dom is to some extent equivalent to a numerical representation of feature [ln](/Nestle1904GBI/features/ln.html#readme) and can be decoded using the following method. Take for example lex_domain = “089007”. The 6-digit value “089007” first need to be split into two 3-digit parts: “087” and “007”. The second part should be interpreted as a alphabetic (A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, …, Z=26). Taken the two parts together, this will result in 89G, which points to an entry in Louw-Nida. For this example (i.e. 89G) this maps to main section relations and subsection Cause and/or Reason.

It is important to realize that the granularity of feature lex_dom is less than that of feature ln. Consider for example the ἀρχή in John 1:1. According to Louw-Nida Lexicon this can map to either a:beginning (aspect)=>68.1 or b:beginning (time)=>67.65. In TextFabric one value is attached to feature lex_dom, which is 067003. Using the above explained method, this breaks down to “067” and “003” where the last part refers to section “C”, which is actualy a range (67.65-67.72) within Louw Nida.


See also feature ln.

Source description

Taken from the XML attribute LexDomain for each element node representing a word.

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